Sometimes movies, like music or your favourite t.v. show, can be something of a guilty pleasure, one that you know you should hate but cannot bring yourself to decry. On the music front I have a liking for the techno group Scooter which my sister derides at every opportunity. On the guilty pleasure movie front it will have to be this particular gem.
The plot, such as it is, revolves around Sylvester Stallone's cop being visited by his elderly and interfering mother and the havoc that ensues. The mum is played by Estelle Getty and she takes to the part with much gusto. It's also quite good to watch this movie through the eyes of an adult, seeing as this film is now nearly 20 years old. I first saw this at the cinema when I was about 14 and I was blown away then and watching it back, it's funny as hell to see the early 90's fashions on show, also quite sobering seeing as I used to wear some of those horrendous shell-suits!
This isn't a film that's demanding, it's not exactly a high-concept thriller. The writing isn't exactly polished, and some of the lines and jokes are almost painful to hear. The acting is wooden and there's are gaping plot holes all over the place. However, you get the impression the actors involved know full well they are in a film destined for cinematic turkeydom and therefore ham it up for all they are worth. As I have said, this was never a movie destined for the Oscars but what it does do very well is leave one with a feeling of warmness and fulfillment. It's the celluloid equivalent of hot chocolate, something to cheer you up after a crappy day.
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