A few months back I was at a boot fair nearby to me and I picked up a video recorder for the princely sum of a quid. Since then I have gone an orgy of buying up tapes, of snapping up films that remind me of my childhood, of classics I've yet to see and of anything that looks vaguely interesting.
This film falls very much into the this category, as it stars one of my favorite actors, Charlie Sheen. I say favorite actors, but it's not his acting ability I like but it's the fact that he is a proper nutter, a real hell raiser with some awesome tales to tell.
In this film he is cast as one of a team of Navy SEALS, a sort of special forces branch of the American military. The plot, and I do use that term loosely, is to do with some missiles left behind when the SEALS rescue some hostages. The pesky Arabs have gotten hold of them and our hero's must go in and get them back. If that plot sounds too simple then it really is.
The rest of the actors in this are OK, and do their job competently but they are hampered by some godawful lines that are so cheesy to make you almost wince. The action sequences are alright but are hampered by too much of it happening in the dark. Also, there are sequences in this movie that seem really out of place, with switches from an earlier mission which went poorly, straight into the SEALS arsing around on a golf course and Sheen's character stealing his own car back. Everyone in this film suffers from that all too familiar sense of one dimensional characterisation that afflicts a lot of action films. There are many leaps of logic here and some utterly gaping plot holes. Some scenes bear almost no relation to the rest of the film and seem to have been tacked on.
So does that mean you should avid this film? Does it mean that this is one that is destined to remain on the shelf? No it does not. Whilst this movie will never be considered a classic, it is a lot of a fun and works well as a big, dumb, action film. It's one of those that is 'so bad it's good'. If you happen across it, then go and pick it up as you wont regret it.
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