Godzilla is by no means as overblown as Independence Day and the jingoism is dialled down a notch but it is the cinematic equivalent of chewing gum. Utterly forgetful trash. It may be fun initially but after a while it become more than a little tedious.
The special effects here are necessarily good, given the titular monster and they are impressive, even now, nearly 12 years later. The story is also more involving then the makers previous effort and the characters are much more fleshed out. Having said that, this film does feel flimsy but at the same time you are so relentlessly battered over the head by spectacular set pieces you kind of end up going along with the ride.
Much like other films like Transformers this is a movie that caters for a very specific audience, the teenage boy market. This isn't a bad movie, nor is it a great one. It's a mildly diverting couple of hours but that's all it is. The effects are good, the storyline alright and the acting perfectly passable but it wont amount to more than that. Much like bubblegum, it has initial attraction but pretty soon after it's all over, you've forgotten it
All in all, it's just not as bad as Independence Day and we should all be thankful for that!
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