There are horrors like Wishmaster and Scream that use humour in a very much tongue in cheek style to add to the scares in the film. There are also out and out spoofs that take a Naked Gun style to things. Somehow though, the people involved here managed to make a complete hash up and made some parts of this supposed slasher horror funny, albeit unintentionally.
This is the tale of a vengeful miner on the rampage. That really does about sum up the plot of this film. There's some apparent motivation for this to do with being buried alive in a mining collapse but the background of the killer is not fully explored, we are supposed to buy into his evilness without question. Ten years later, after butchering over 20 people with a pickaxe, the killer is back, on Valentines Day, or is he? Actually no he is not, but let's not spoil the twist in the tale.
This was originally made with the 3d market in mind and it shows through, and at times that is very jarring. It's not as bad as that earlier, more famed, 3D epic called Jaws 3 but you really do wonder if they could have concentrated more on the storyline and plotting, characterisation, writing and editing rather than trying to make flashy 3D effects that barely work as it is. Perhaps I would have gotten more out of this piece of crap had I watched it in 3D but for me that should be irrelevant. A good film should work no matter what and here the emphasis is so much on severed heads flying out of the screen and suchlike that you pretty soon find it all a bit of a muchness.
This movie is very Horror-By-The-Numbers and the gore aspect? Apart from some admittedly grim deaths by spade there is very little here to keep your interest and this supposed horror movie isn't even remotely scary and to me that's a crime. In fact, some of the effects, dialogue and plot leaps are enough to make you laugh out loud.
There are much better films out if you want your slasher movie fix so don't bother with this.
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